Sitemap - 2024 - The Bureau

ISIS supporter used Canada in terror plot to massacre New York City Jews, motivated by October 7th Hamas attack on Israel: FBI

New Zealand intel report and leaked FBI record indicate increasing use of mafias by hostile states

Breaking: Chinese United Front staffer influence reached into New York governors office

PRC narcos in Toronto are "command and control" for North American money laundering networks used in TD Bank case: US investigator

Eroding trust in Canadian politicians demands a new anti-corruption body

Breaking: Toronto police find burned remains of Chinese community leader in targeted murder

Who is the Minister that promised PRC he would attack other Canadian politicians? NSICOP findings, and why Ottawa needs an Anti-Corruption Commission that doesn't report to Prime Minister

Missing Toronto realtor featured prominently in Beijing's United Front networks, records and sources indicate

Lists of compromised travel documents provided from an allied intelligence agency went missing: CBSA whistleblower allegations

CBSA whistleblower believes transnational gangs have compromised agency databases, helping terrorists, spies and mafias enter Canada

"I've faced 5 bomb threats; my wife has been stalked": Canadian MP suspects PRC threats and reputation attack

Toronto MP among the international Parliamentarians attending pro-Taiwan summit targeted by Beijing

China clandestinely targeting First Nations leaders to procure Canada's natural resources: NSICOP

TikTok heeded CCP demands to censor videos outside China: Classified US intel

The Power behind Mélanie Joly's bow to Beijing: Analysis

Chinese national busted in New York for importing enough fentanyl precursors to kill millions of Americans

Like Russian Dolls with PRC intel at the core: Untangling front companies common to CCP influence against Trudeau Foundation, Hunter Biden and United Nations leaders

Australian media commentator smeared with false allegations by Chinese intelligence

Facing misconduct allegations in Dirty Money Inquiry, RCMP mounted "Project Neutralize"

Exposing Iranian Guard infiltration of Canada and the Islamic Republic's war on Israel

Calling Beijing's bluffs

Opioid seizures skyrocketed in Ontario with “safer supply” expansion while police failed to alert public

Beijing's interference surging in Taiwan this year: Security official

Ports, Fentanyl, Corruption: Beijing's Triad of threats to the United States

Should the Prime Minister be classified a "witting" beneficiary of PRC support?

Ottawa won't disclose threats from "high risk, high harm" PRC proxy

Senior Vancouver Police officer investigated for potential PRC data leaks

Chinese Canadian group links two Senators to actions against Canada's interests

Beijing supported Liberal candidate that echoed disinformation against Conservatives: Document Analysis

Doctors challenge evidence of "safer supply" fentanyl harm mitigation

Why CSIS believes Beijing is collecting Kompromat on both Houses of Parliament

U.S. Congress hears Covid Pandemic abuses relit embers of Tiananmen Square protests

Trudeau's failure to address election interference and diaspora repression could harm Canada for years: 2024 Review

Vancouver hospital plagued by "open drug market where people smoke fentanyl" patient reports

Beijing-proxy Triad "purchased" Belize for human-smuggling into USA

Chinese officials and Triads flooding illegal immigrants into United States: Canadian Report

Canada can't impeach scandal-plagued PM Trudeau, but Liberal Party sort of can

Why The Pentagon was briefed Canada is a "forward operational hub" for PRC threat networks

Toronto banker tied to Trudeau fundraiser slaps Globe and Mail with $250-million libel suit

CSIS and Toronto police believe Canadian politicians exposed to PRC blackmail in underground casino: Sources

Canada's 'safer supply' patients are receiving staggering amounts of narcotics

China interfered in 2019 and 2021 but didn’t overturn Canada’s election results: Hogue Commission

Prime Minister's Office dragging heels on Foreign Interference legislation: Intelligence Source

Addiction worker estimates 90 percent of "safer supply" drugs resold on black market

Why did CSIS's Director recall intel on a "politically-connected Canadian"?

Beijing backed Trudeau while "calibrating" support for 2019 Election to influence Meng case: CSIS documents

Taiwan leads in countering PRC disinformation and election meddling, experts say

Beijing intentionally funding fentanyl trafficking globally: U.S. Congress hearing

CSIS director warned PM Trudeau and his aides Canada faces existential threat on Chinese interference and lags Five Eyes, Commission hears

PM Trudeau knew Chinese officials allegedly directed students to vote for MP Han Dong's nomination, but judged CSIS intel insufficient

CSIS Director recalled Liberal MP Han Dong intelligence report for 2nd time because of 2023 meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau

Breaking: Senior Trudeau security officials warned days before 2019 election that China clandestinely funded some candidates

Breaking: CSIS Director changed report on PRC interference in MP Han Dong's riding after discussion with PM Trudeau's advisor

Hostile state agents could install Prime Minister without election, MP Michael Chong testifies

Ottawa knew of Chinese Communist attacks on Conservatives in 2021 but decided not to intervene: Commission lawyer

MP Han Dong questioned on 2019 nomination "irregularities" and Chinese high school voters

How I accessed Top Secret intelligence on PRC election interference in Canada

The Bureau Podcast: How high does the Winnipeg-Wuhan Lab story go in Canada, and does it connect to PRC Election Interference?

Canadian doctors tell BC Govt "safer supply" programs tainted by fraud, after RCMP finds organized crime links

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu tasked in PRC "biological intelligence collection mission"

The Bureau Podcast: 'Toronto Method' mortgage fraud and real estate Money Laundering

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau afflicted by Wilful Blindness on the profound impact of mortgage fraud

Thousands of diverted “safer supply” opioid pills seized in major RCMP drug bust

Canadian spy suspect Qiu led WIV's "synthetic bat filovirus" project with Wuhan Institute's Vice-Director: CSIS document investigation

Vancouver Police Foundation returns donation from community group linked to CCP police station probes

Trudeau must change policy on Cuba, which is leveraged by China, Russia, Iran

Iranian regime critic alleges "unprecedented foreign interference" in Conservative's Toronto nomination

Conservative MP proposes examination of RBC's purchase of HSBC Canada

Ottawa's Interference Inquiry jolted with second Diaspora boycott

Bankers verified Fake Chinese Income mortgages for banned money laundering suspects in Toronto: HSBC Leaks

Canadian Senator met with leaders affiliated to PRC espionage arm days before filing challenge to Foreign Interference Commission

OP/Analysis: A Broad Look at the Issues Confronting Canada

"Fake Chinese income" mortgages fuel Toronto Real Estate Bubble: HSBC Bank Leaks

"Fake Chinese income" mortgages fuel Toronto Real Estate Bubble: HSBC Bank Leaks

CSIS director's brief to Trudeau Cabinet says 117 Canadian Politicians warned of interference since May 2021

Breaking: U.S. Govt accuses Iranian intelligence and narcos of hiring B.C. Hells Angel to assassinate Iranian dissidents

'Beijing offers protection to the highest level of criminals in the world if they will deliver political objectives'

US, Australia and UK sanction Hamas-funders linked to Iran and China

Asia Pacific trade policies started by Pierre Trudeau are incentivizing money laundering and Chinese interference: Academic

Canada should learn from "unprecedented" Chinese interference in Taiwan's election

No, the West did not sabotage an early peace deal in Ukraine

Prosecutors seek 28-year max sentence against RCMP mole Ortis, for endangering Canadians

RCMP mole Ortis may still have Five Eyes intel 'in the cloud' new records suggest