Keep up the great work Adam. You are to be admired for your persistence in pursuing truth.

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Solid work Adam, thank you for keeping this important issue in the forefront.

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Keep up the good work Adam, also Sam Cooper, I wait eagerly to read your posts daily! What you write and report on is so important for Canadians, with out you none of this would of come to light! Keep up the good work boys!

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Keep at it, Adam! I’ve been watching the impact of the anything-but-treatment-let-them-decrease-the-surplus-population approach for over 20 years, and the big question is, IF IT SAVES LIVES, WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL DYING?

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Their logic in such circumstances is usually something along the lines of “sure, more people are dying now, but it would have been even worse without our policies in place” or “we were only able to implement part of our plan, and the real magic will happen if you let us implement the full plan”. Either way, totally delusional and unsupported by any evidence.

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One of the things I try to do is to read the writings of the opposition...in this case the NDP. I followed the links in Adam's story to Jennifer Whiteside's X page as I want to see for myself what she and her followers put forward. It's stomach churning to see how far this wonderful province of BC and the feds as well have fallen. This person is the health minister? What alternate universes we live in. I was also able to see (I think it was on John Rustad's X) a fairly short video of the DTES Vancouver. Horrifying images...knives, violence, filth, people sprawled all over the sidewalks, walking on the roads in their underwear, shooting up, just downright ugliness. I worked in the provincial welfare system for decades and I saw things drastically go from bad to worse as soon as the NDP were elected. There was nothing we could do on the front lines excect follow their policies. I tried, I did, but I was a little cog in the wheel. I'm no longer there and am so glad to not be in that soul destroying environment. The future is bleak people, unless we come to our senses.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

We can only vote and hope the majority of British Columbians (did you know the gov't does not want us to call ourselves British Columbians as it is offensive to some) see David Eby and the EndBC party for what they stand for and vote them out.

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These people have no scruples. Keep up the good work.

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Adam, your name is TRUTH. May no weapon formed against you prosper. It is not too late to make a better world with truthers like you.

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New Dumb People need to take a good look in the mirror or did I read the wrong story, I'll read it again, see I'm not too sharp today, got my drift. Good story all

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I wish the public would really pay attention to how much money is wasted on this while your parent or grandparent rots in the health care system.

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EXCELLENT journalism here by you, Adam and Sam. Going after the TRUTH with fact-based evidence and direct quotes to back up your stories is the essence of REAL JOURNALISM!

As far people in high level government positions, Jennifer Whiteside has NO academic credentials in mental health or addictions, she has a History degree from SFU. It appears many in Ministeral positions in both provincial and federal governments are unqualified to be in the ministries in which they 'lead'. Ya'ara Saks, the Federal Minister of Mental Health and Addictions has an MA in International Relations and Diplomacy from Hebrew University. It is clearly evident that neither of these people are qualified in the understanding of the severity around mental health or addictions, therefore the governments have failed miserably at their responsibilities in 'serving the public'. These are just two examples of MANY working in high-level positions in government who lack the credentials, knowledge, and work experience to be in those roles. This IS irresponsible governing. Wouldn't it make sense to have those in leadership roles who actually possess the academic credentials and work experience IN those areas so they KNOW what they're doing? The 'hiring' processes must be changed because both nepotism and favoritism IS obviously rampant. For example, former Liberal PM Christy Clark hired her 'maid of honor' as Minister of one government office and many of Trudeau's 'Ministers' were his groomsmen; Mark Miller, Gerald Butts, Seamus O'Regan etc. This kind of pandering to friends and business buddies and FORMER mainstream media 'journalists' is NOT conducive, as we've seen, to having positive outcomes for the public at large. The entire system needs to change.

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And that's the thing -- alluded to in a BC Coroner's Service report a couple of years ago: the report identified that the vaunted "four pillars" plan stalled at "harm reduction", and its principle that people would have an incentive, through "safe" consumption sites to go on to treatment and recovery. I only had one experience with InSite in Vancouver. One of the guys who regularly came into Gospel Mission told me one day that he had had enough of the drugs and his family ostracizing him, and he wanted to get clean. He wanted to go to InSite and try to get a bed in OnSite, their recovery facility. Knowing that you have to strike while the iron is hot, I walked with him up to InSite -- past the gauntlet of people selling the drugs that the "clients" would then consume "safely" -- and we went in. He was directed to a separate waiting area, and finally, he was summoned to the counter. After a quick conversation, he was told "we have no beds. Come back tomorrow."

"Come back tomorrow." No "here's a list of other places where you can get treatment". Just "come back tomorrow."

We came back the next day and this time I waited outside and peered through a crack in the drawn curtains. He went up to the counter, then went to a door at the back, where he was escorted someplace else. "Thank You, Lord," I thought. "He got in this time."

Two weeks later, he came into the Mission again. "So you got into OnSite?" I said. He just shook his head and that ended the conversation.

That gave me some insight (pun intended) into the attitude at the place: don't bother actually helping someone get clean -- tell them to come back tomorrow.

Admittedly, it was only one experience I observed, but as George Bernard Shaw said when he gave a bad book review after only reading the first chapter, "You don't need to eat the whole apple to know it's rotten."

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Adam - I admire your work tremendously, but I am confused/annoyed by the last paragraph in this article. It actually seems beneath YOU to play into Canadian dislike of Americans. Sue D-J

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