Thank you Sam for your work and dedication to expose the nefarious acts of the CCP. I understand the basics of undermining our democracies to which is being done by many players in this field. It’s also being done by our very own leadership in every Western Democracy. It could be stopped but the UN and globalist players are making it a difficult thing to do. So it is not only the CCP, Iran, and Russia, undermining our democracies, it’s Biden, Trudeau, Macron, and other leaders of Western Democracies, along with the Globalist Institutions doing the same. So how do we stop this when they, from the top of the pile down, are also involved in disrupting and destroying our countries. I think they are all in on it together. Let’s be honest with the US having its borders wide open to any and all as with every nation it is exactly sabotage and the destruction of our own nations. This not just the CCP, Russia, Iran but our own leadership creating this mess. They allow it all and push it all. They are ll on the same team.

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Canada will always have to contend with other powers trying to dominate that, just ask the natives, that’s why we have to stand on guard for thee. Those are not just lyrics, but an obligation

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I agree but outside entities are not our only enemy as we have the Laurentian elite ‘s in bed with those who would do the country harm. Many in leadership across the country are of the same caliber as the CCP, Iran, and Russia, and are destroying Canada from the inside out. We don’t need outside agitators, when those in Ottawa, and many others in Provincial and Municipal Governments, are causing the collapse of our country . We are being destroyed from the inside out by our own political elite. They are the destructive force creating hell on earth in all Western Democracies. It’s an inside job by those in leadership roles.

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Thank you. There is no better. Much appreciation.

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Thank you Sam !!!!!

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Another great podcast. The added context hashed out in a conversation definitely adds a lot to previously reported material. Anxiously awaiting more on the details of the background story to all of this. Beyond the current and immediate Canadian influencers involved, it would also be interesting to get more of the story out around Trudeau Sr.'s moves to recognize and establish relations with the PRC despite concerned diaspora voices and how things started to play out after that fateful point. It would also be valuable to understand more about what infiltration looks like at local levels to help facilitate counter-strategies.

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Sam it is time to inform the Pentagon, that Trudeau needs to be brought before a Military Court, for his "TREASONOUS ACTIONS" at Canada's Bio-Lab!!!

Where he allowed 6 CCP agents into Canada's Lab to work on GOF in our lab, assisting in the theft/removal/transportation of Deadly Viruses, Top Secret Documents out of the Lab and hand them over to Wuhan China!!!

These Deadly Viruses have allowed China to just create a new deadly virus out of the Ebola virus recently stolen from Canada's Lab and making it more transmittable, with a 100% death rate!!!

Plus the Stolen Documents could also be giving China secret information about our allies, USA, UK, Australia, Japan and a number of others, with Trudeau himself handing this to China!!!

Please help to get the word out and stop Trudeau from escaping TREASON charges against him!!!

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Today is June 8. In view of the information that came out this week, I had to come back and listen to this interview again. More pieces fall into place. Conclusions are drawn based on available evidence. Justin Trudeau is compromised but I don't think the courage exists in the RCMP, CSIS or even the opposition parties to bring any charges.

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Any chance you could make these as audio only and thus listenable while running/doing chores/on the bus etc.? Thank you Sam!

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