Once again- thanks Sam for this work. I fear the politically compromised have already changed so many laws that they have created a type of immunity for their actions. This is really treason and the whole system must be collapsed

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Where have I heard what I just read in this morning’s Globe & Mail before? Oh, yeah, ages ago in Sam Cooper’s The Bureau and before that in his work at Global. I hope you feel great being vindicated, Sam.

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Thanks, most importantly supported by subscribers to continue this important work.

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Thank you so much, Sam. You have been detrimental in bringing this report forward. With out real investigative journalist’s such as yourself, Canada would be in even further degradation than we already are. Your work has been outstanding and your tenacity to get to the truth of the matter has been unyielding. All Canadian’s owe you a massive amount of gratitude. I admit I had little faith in this process as we have seen how deeply deviant this Liberal Government has been as to their consistent appointments to head any inquiry in order to white wash their participation in the destruction of this once great country. They have done tremendous damage to Canada and Canadian’s and they should be shamed into stepping down from their positions. That goes for those in the NDP Party as well, as they have been holding them in power and enabling them in this destruction and our faith in this sad Parliamentary system. All elected members of Parliament have played some parts in this from the way they voted in Parliament to their willingness to allow this to continue. The same can be said for every single Institution in this country from our banks to the courts, that has played a part in this deviant destruction and faith in our Institutions. It has been crushed to nothing and regardless of the known damage they all created they continued to play this game against the people of Canada. They need no raises in funding, or in wages, that is one thing I do know for sure. They should be shamed into all stepping down from their positions for their own contributions to the complete loss of faith in every single Institution in this now god forsaken country.

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Pretty sure you meant ‘instrumental’ not detrimental, Marylou. And I agree with your comments, where would we be without Sam’s hard work?

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Sam, I again request that we meet. I have a five page document which outlines sworn evidence and exhibit documentation along with hundreds of photos which due to space allowed for comment cannot be posted that provides a specific example of the general situation your book provides.

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Thank you Sam Cooper. Although for your followers this is no surprise. This has become a lame duck country and I see no concrete way out of this and no will to make the necessary changes.

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Great reporting.

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Thank you Sam!!!!!

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Whatever became of that new era of openness and transparency?

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From: dow@infoserve.net

Subject: Re: Fwd: Traitors in Parliament

To: Brian Dorward <mtn.high@icloud.com>

Cc: info@peoplespartyofcanada.ca

Date: Monday, 10/06/2024 6:10 AM

Show: raw text html


Interesting - the PPC may (in the distant future) be the answer for sovereign Canadians federally, but thousands of municipal and provincial politicians have been for some time, financially "on the take" from the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and the provincial politicians from all parties have corruptly allowed illegal aliens that don't pay Canadian taxes to take control of Canadian land development through agreements registered in provincial Land Title Offices. The politicians are selling Canada. The Korean war did not end - there was simply a truce. That is the story that needs to be told, however the PRC has influence over Canadian major media, and has taken ownership of the local municipal news outlets. It's the "Golden Rule". Those with the gold make the rules. To add insult to injury, the Liberals are now proposing capital gain taxes on principal residences.


On Sunday 09/06/2024 at 5:06 pm, Brian Dorward wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 9, 2024 at 4:51:52 PM PDT

To: Brian Dorward <mtn.high@icloud.com>

Subject: Fwd: Traitors in Parliament


Begin forwarded message:

From: Robert Mills

Date: June 9, 2024 at 2:26:53 PM PDT

To: Brian Dorward

Subject: Fwd: Traitors in Parliament

The source of your friend's problem in Deep Cove.

Robert Mills

Phone: +1 778-754-1805

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Maxime Bernier <info@peoplespartyofcanada.ca>

Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 at 13:07

Subject: Traitors in Parliament

To: Robert Mills q


As you probably heard, a parliamentary report revealed last week that there are traitors among the members of Parliament in Ottawa.

[ Image ]

Traitors who conspire with foreign countries, in particular China and India, to undermine our democracy and our security.

Although many people in Ottawa have the list of these traitors, we still don’t know who they are.

Because no one wants to reveal their name!

And there are good reasons why: They’re not just found in the Liberal Party, but in other parties as well, including the fake Conservatives.

Robert, this is not just a corruption scandal.

This is another entirely predictable consequence of Trudeau’s policies of mass immigration and radical multiculturalism, supported by Poilievre and Singh.

Although the names of these traitors are still being kept secret, we can pretty much guess who they are:

Immigrants who haven’t integrated into our society and adopted our values, and are more loyal to their country of origin than to Canada.

This is what living in a “post-national country” is about.

We have party leaders who all play identity politics and constantly pander to ethnic and religious minorities, instead of promoting policies that are good for ALL Canadians.

Millions of immigrants who don’t care about Canadian identity and culture, but are just here to take advantage of our economy and social programs.

And foreign agents pretending to represent Canadians, who betray our country but are protected by the political establishment.

Robert, there aren’t just a few traitors in Ottawa – THEY ALL ARE!

Please donate $25 to the PPC today so we are better equipped to offer a patriotic alternative toCanadians!

Thank you,


P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link! https://www.peoplespartystore.com/donations/email/


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