Ever since whoever the speaker of the house was in 2020 or 2021 said : "I can't hear you " when a journalist asked about the WEF and the government's involvement with that organization , why aren't we talking about the agenda since we have a "closet full " of leading government people following that agenda , that isn't for the sovereignty of Canada , and maybe more inclined for one world government and health with health canada's intention to destroy the natural health industry. Trudeau knows he has lots of backing from sources we don't look at from an even more macro perspective ; he will continue to be a teflon man because like those in other countries they know a "bigger" plan is in place - see Ursula von der Leyen elected president of the EU 2024 to 2029 (WEF) . When I listen to you both speaking about the politics of Trudeau and how people can't stand up to him without the fear of retaliation , it is exactly what happened in the virus debacle with doctors and other health professionals losing their licenses to practise because they questioned the narrative. Is it possible there is a collusion of interests with the WEF and the WHO's agendas ?

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You're absolutely RIGHT! YES there's collusion because CARNEY'S a WEF GLOBALIST and all the billionaire GLOBALISTS involved are hell bent on creating their 'utopian' world via world domination with socialist totalitarian methods. The level of collusion corruption and abuse these psychopaths have planned has been in the works for 60+ years. For any of us to not consider that politicians at various levels aren't receiving payola would be ridiculous.

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Just wish more people would get way beyond the name calling Beth and smearing with no information and have actual conversations . Watching : World on Fire via Masterpiece theatre and how the Germans under Hitler rolled into and over many countries with many not noticing what was happening to many people/countries , nor even caring as long as it didn't interfere with their own lives - once it happened and was in place , everything accelerated faster than anyone thought. I see parallels with this now on so many levels with many having no appetite to even look beyond their bubbles and silos . I suppose that is the intention and those in power like that feature of this compliant, for the most part , country.

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Sadly, we're living in a society whereby the vilification of others who choose to apply critical thinking and always question what they're being told, seeking evidence to the contrary to form a debate to hear both sides of an issue so we can draw our own conclusions, which is what real journalism is; was cancelled in 2020. Much of what we're experiencing, for those of who've paid attention to WW2 and how a leader gained control of an entire nation by invoking their 'emergency act' the parallels are eerily similar. Therefore, I concluded, time pressed on, that those in charge of the last 4.5 years dusted off Hitler's playbook and tweeked it accordingly to fit their narratives. It's amazed me at how even 'historians' either haven't caught on or are too traumatized to believe it's actually happening, again.

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So much came to light for me Beth in 2020 when I knew something wasn't right intuitively. However , I am also baffled that many people , Jewish included ,do not see how similar these events are developing and coming in rapidly on the backs of the virus situation; yes it seems like a tweaking of Hitler's playbook and young trudeau is playing his part really well for who, or WHO , or WEF or ....

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The age old adage … “learn from our mistakes, not repeat them” as in history also. We could start by teaching history! Canadian history in our schools. Throw out that utter rubbish of sex (and there are ONLY TWO) and lets educate our children so they learn from our mistakes & don’t repeat them!

I believe Canada, with the U.S. as our ally & partner in North America, should remove all associations and membership with those entities that have lost their original intent & purpose (gone rogue) such as, but not exclusive, UN, NATO, NAFTA, WEF, and especially WHO and any others I may have failed to mention here. Canada & America need to be allies and partners, we need each other & we can mutually benefit from one another. Together WE would be a strong, brave and a fordable nation. Just my layperson, patriotic thoughts.

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Leisa , that certainly makes sense since those in power want One World Government anyway ,it seems to me . Over these past few years , I have made different connections to people in many countries ,as well as, the states . The theme is the same , since a lot of the messaging was in lockstep. It was educational for me to have written as well as phone calls from a lot of divergent people whom I have the most respect for their abilities to critically think away from the masses . It seems I learned more about medicine in these past few years than I ever learned as I was a nurse for 20 years before going to art school . I think substack has allowed these connections with like minded people and wonder how long this will be allowed .

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Liberals are a bunch of wet noodles. They’re the ones that deleted their party rule to call for a leadership review, how stupid is that? My spidey senses says it was a motion brought from Trudeau himself, he made it a condition on taking the role AND It’s was his evil in the lava stage, unbeknownst to others - perhaps.

To These cowards that make reference to ousting Trudeau by way of some ludicrous “petition” - what do they do when they could do something? They do nothing! Example; MP Casey, all big yip-yap on MSM but did he stand up to support the non-confidence motion? No! He did the liberal cowardice rhetoric and talked out both sides of his mouth. My parents would have said, “put your money where your mouth is.” This perceived mutiny has no value or credibility. When the libs are crying about being bullied or attacked for speaking of their disloyalty to Trudeau because he’s not been the leader they had believed he sold himself to be, than these same MP’s haven’t the gumption or tenacity to represent Canada. COWARDS is the definition. Who’s afraid of Trudeau? Seriously? He’s NOTHING in the big scheme of this political mess. You’ve lost your riding long time ago. You failed to support non-confidence motion long time ago. Liberal MP’s have been drowning in corruption, scandals and embezzlement & to those who have been, willfully blind and complicit, you are just as guilty.

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Do you think it is time to renew the Canadian constitution? A commenter on another site posed that query and I thought, well why not? It's our constitution so why can't we make it more able to cope with changes in our society. It's seems to me that our current laws/policies are so hindered by some of the language in the document. The main problem as I see it, is that the constitution (and this was warned by honest legal players at the time it was enacted) has handed so much power to the courts. This has led to government by 9 unelected people on the Supreme Court. Because so many lawyers year for public accolades as SJW's, we have ended up with ridiculous and to be honest, anti-democratic curtailment of government decisions.

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This conversation scared me.

Thank you Sam & Jason for being honest and truthful. Canada is seriously in deep trouble and we're defenseless to protect our selves. These psycho politicians over the many years have designed our future "willfully" and no one is coming to rescue us.

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