Wait, Justin, now do CCP criminal interference.

What? No time now that the narrative from you was conveniently provided to hijack and misdirect from the CCP?

What amazingly convenient, albeit excruciatingly obvious, timing to have another destructive round of blame-storming with Modi!

Is this your go-to fire alarm when political crises coalesce to corner the rats too much?

The threads one can suspect are true: Organized crime, corruption, terrorism enablement, but as usual the misdirectors are the real culprits up to their ears in corruption and desperate to avoid detection.

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Would love to know who wrote that epical for the drama teacher to memorize because he's not the brightest bulb in the pack. Did he read Sam's book, Wilful Blindness to gain knowledge of the activities that have been occurring in BC for a decade or longer? What about the CCP's influence? What about the fact our borders have allowed millions to enter this country with flimsy documentation at best who are wreaking havoc with getting every handout possible whilst homeless veterans, ill veterans, seniors and others are either homeless, on the verge, or suffering? What about the millions of TAXPAYERS money going into the pockets of the COVID arrivescam fiasco and the SDTC scandal - it's scandal upon scandal internally, but nope he's got to stretch beyond borders and create further tensions with other foreign nations instead, as It appears he wants to be apart of the impending world conflicts; Russia and Iran are teaming up as both leaders have met; Israel is in knee deep and the USA is supportive; China's ships are circling Taiwan, so is JT wanting to throw Canada's hat into the ring? We've barely got a stable military and clearly he's missed Aaron Gunn's latest documentary on the ravages of our Armed Forces. I'm starting to believe those of us commenting on substacks know a helluva lot more than those in the HoC who are supposed to KNOW and respond professionally regarding Canadians safety. Anyone else care to chime in?

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Deflection at its finest, Trudeau is a genius at this! When he knows his ass is in a sling he blames everyone except himself for his incompetence, scandals , division of Canadian Societies, corruption you name it! Lies and deception like no other PM in Canadian politics!

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Trudeau is incompetent, he needs to go now.

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It's like an Alfred Hitchcock movie, it never ends

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No one believes anything that comes out of Trudeau’s mouth.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

So it is exacty what the CCP are doing and yet the RCMP made not one announcement to warn the public. Imagine that. https://globalnews.ca/news/9961032/foreign-interference-china-canada-rcmp-investigation-death-b-c-operation-fox-hunt/ I dont remember Trudeau calling out the Government of China? In fact no one said a word.

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Listening to Trudeau, Justice Hogue must truly wish she had a good dose of whiskey in her coffee to maintain her professional mien. (This level of patience would have me rubbing my temples.)

The PMO has had so much ongoing situational awareness around India’s illegal activities in Canada, and yet, literally none on China’s ‘standard diplomatic,’ and entirely acceptable, behaviour.

Got it.

I guess India ain’t funding the Liberal riding of Papineau lol - get with it, Modi! This is how it’s done, buddy.

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Looking forward to the Indian intelligence service dumping all the info it has on the dirty dealings of the Trudeau cabinet and Le Dauphin himself. Rupa Subramanya had a really great interview a while back with a journo from the Times of India (forget his name). It was after the previous India 'crisis' - when the Libs first accused them of killing the gangster/terrorist/scumbag Nijjar. The reporter said the Indians threatened to release all the dirt they had on some of the Sikhs in Trudy's cabinet, especially Harjit Sajjan, who according to him, runs with some very rough company here and in the Punjab.

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Who knows, maybe they can shed some light on Trudeau's time at West Point Grey Academy? 🤞

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compulsive liar castreau

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And now he has appointed Daniel Rogers (former deputy national security adviser) as new CSIS director after David Vigneault retires. This is not looking good for Canada.

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Trying to decide what's more dangerous:


Drive by shootings

Home invasions

Or Trudeau's LiberalsNDP coalition government.

Next batter up: Modi

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With such an undercurrent of mass criminal elements operating throughout Canada, it makes me ask "how many vacays have you taken this year Trudeau". Every time for months he has a photo op jetting off to some convention or meeting in a foreign country, I have to wonder if he should not have been sitting at his desk reading memo's (I know that is just so last year!!), discussing these threats to Canadians with his 'teams' and working hard to end run around these serious criminal events. Perhaps being decisive on the immigration file that has been so often mentioned as a problem might have been a sign that there was something being done. But no...off you go on another trip...like to the UN to speak to a basically empty theatre. Trudeau and the Liberals are a disaster. If it wasn't for the few journalists that work hard and investigate this issue, nothing would come to light.

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He is projecting his own evil doings. Marxism 101.

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