Thank you Sam Cooper. Thank you Jason James.

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Chinese spy chips hidden is Cisco chip jackets were found through out federal gov't and Canadian military computer and communications hardware. Suspicious data dumps to China during the night prompted an investigation which eventually resulted in a forensic audit of hardware and the discovery of the chips. How may of these spy chips are still out there in private sector hardware? Chinese industrial espionage also destroys companies, Nortel being an example of the damage that can be done. How may foreign companies were targeted through their Canadian subsidiaries? No wonder 5 eyes can't trust Canada, as Canada was used as a back door into 5 eyes gov't and military sites. it is one the largest espionage disasters in history.

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Interesting, I haven't heard about that before. Where can I learn more about these jackets and chips?

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Good question. Perhaps your contacts at CSIS know about this in some detail. I heard this from my brother, who once worked with the tech that conducted the forensic hardware audit and discovered the chips on Chinese hardware provided by Huawei. One avenue to investigate is why it took so long for Trudeau to ban Huawei telecom equipment in Canada, especially after 5 eyes members had ripped out and replaced all hardware from their systems and warned Canada, including a threat that if they didn't do the same, they would be kicked out of 5 eyes. I infer that China was also using Canada as a back door into other 5 eyes gov't and military sites.

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Sadly this would not surprise me if the current government is that compromised. It would explain why the Public Inquiry seems to be setup to fail

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As was the case with Johnston's report on CCP interference, you can bet that this latest report has already been written too (and not by Hogue).

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That would not surprise me either, the question is will the next one be as well?

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Hopefully they are starting to set these people up and monitor them with out accusing them for now of any crimes

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Your book, Willful Blindness, was the beginning of my plunge into the Triad money laundering activities in Canada's casinos. Since 2020, I have become more informed about the pervasive activities of the CCP at almost every level of influence in the country. Thank you for your excellent and untiring work. This interview was amazing!

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Mr. Cooper, you need to get yourself as a guest on a major podcast so this word really gets out (and hopefully attracts more sources to your cause!)

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Yes! I'm sure Joe Rogan would welcome you to his podcast - he's incredibly curious about this sort of thing and we all know what he thinks about Justy.

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This is for Jason James who needs something to smile about.

Andrew has a new JT song. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/live/56w54X-gLig?si=XgIOpNPHXaGk7UkV

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There is such a hunger for open and honest information and discourse on these topics but we're treated like dimwitted wards by the government, to be kept ignorant of what the reality in our country actually is "for our own good". I absolutely concur that this is journalism of the highest calibre, a crucial life line to the truth at this pivotal time in our history.

Huge thanks to Sam (and team) and Jason!

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In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.

Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..


They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!

We have already been exposed to the coronavirus. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!

Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..


Look at the beginning of this old stack talking about it. ….


We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.

Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔

All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!

Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.

Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:

-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots

-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired

-got rid of Trump

-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.

-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.

Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing.

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Wow, crazy stuff. Thanks for the additional info!

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They got away with it due to online censorship.

Now they want more censorship?! Scary times ahead if they can censor more than they do now.

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Winnipeg bio lab? No Winnipeg bio weapons lab. Both Nipah and Ebola viruses in the Winnipeg lab likely gain of function candidates for disease "X", which the WHO states is the next weaponized virus to be released. Does X stand for extermination?

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TRUDEAU needs to be brought before a CAF Military COURT, with the "FIVE Eyes" partners and ALL other ALLES assisting in this Trial!!! Bringing it to an INTERNATIONAL Level, with investigating/charges/arrests/convictions/sentencing and prosecutions on the WORLD stage!!!

No possibility of interference from the RCMP/Justice System/Government parties, to save TRUDEAU from the crimes he has committed "TREASON"!!!


He let CCP agents into our Level 4 Bio-Lab, to work/steal DEADLY Viruses and TOP Secret Files, while assisting them steal, remove from Canada and Transport them back to WUHAN CHINA!!! FOR ???

Remember that Wuhan China, is where Covid19 was released onto the World, KILLING 17 MILLION people Worldwide, what are they planning for these NEW Viruses and Info Trudeau has given them??

WHY is the Government hiding this, Why is the Government not investigating this TREASON!!!

The "FIVE EYES" and the ALLIES have a right to KNOW, before China hits the World with something else, WHY is that, Because TRUDEAU is a COMMUNIST and thinks he is untouchable!!! Is He???


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On point 💯!! 🫡

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After TRUDEAU ordered the RCMP to release, drop all charges, assist in the theft of Deadly Viruses and Top Secret files from the Bio-Lab, he had the RCMP drive them to the Airport and get them directly on the plane, without having to go through customs or wait in line, with the rest of us, which makes the RCMP accessories to the Crime, so how helpful do you think the RCMP are going to be, once they are called before a government comity to answer to the facts of this investigation???

Which is exactly, WHY Trudeau needs to be brought before a Military Court, with the FIVE EYES assisting with the investigations, because any other court will show favouritism to TRUDEAU!!! Just like the public inquiry, into the Emergency Act and we all know how that turned out, for the public!!!

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You need to investigate the Winnipeg Sun newspaper, front page story (BANNED by TRUDEAU), the RCMP arrested 6 CCP agents, that were let into the Bio-Lab by Trudeau and the 2 Chinese Scientists planted at the lab, to work with China!!!

The RCMP arrested the 6 CCP agents and held them in Jail for two months, one being the "Bat Lady", that holds a patent on the SARSCORONA2 Virus, with Dr. Fauci of the USA, that worked together at the WUHAN Lab, that Obama, Biden and Fauci, Built, Financed and Worked at since 2009!

The Trudeau government, has been hiding this info for 5 years from the public and his involvement of spreading this Virus, giving 300,000-3 year travel Visa's to WUHAN citizens, Dec/2019, China reports they have a breakout Jan 20/2020, Canada has it's first case of Covid19 Jan 23/2020, when a man from WUHAN steps off the plane into Vancouver Airport!!!

Trudeau shuts down the Border to all AIRTRAVEL from all parts of the World, including the USA, BUT CHINA is the only country allowed to land into Canada and to this date, has NEVER been banned from landing in Canada!!! Spreading Covid19 across Canada!!!

For more important information about this SARSCORONA-2 Virus, go to YouTube and look up Dr. David Martin, who has worked Bio-Lab Viruses in the USA!!!


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It reads like an insane novel! Only it's true and devastated the world socially and economically! At this point, what are we hoping for, karma as a last resort for justice?? Banana Republic of Chinada.

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What’s at Stake at the World Health Assembly

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I somehow feel we’re in Tolkien’s world, fighting against the Orcs and Sauron the Xi-nificent!

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Sam, you are the best - I will never forget you chasing Larry Campbell. I liked him and then I saw what you exposed all those years ago; the real Larry Campbell. I also am a person of truth and justice from my core and am relieved that someone like you is so good at exposing truth. Thank you.

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I'm surprised there isn't a video somewhere showing Trudeau holding the door, for the Chinese to get on the plane, out of Canada!!!

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