Dude, you're 9 years too late. Do Canada a real service and start the process of winding down the entire Liberal Party. Not a single one of you have the slightest bit of honour. Not a single one of you protested the catastrophy that is Justin Trudeau. Not a single one of you stood up against the ideology that brought Canada to where it is today - on it's knees being mocked by the President of the most powerful nation on earth. Not one. Every one's of you watched and clapped and called your critics names right up until the polling hit 16%. Leave the investigations to the new government. Have a final shred of self respect and fold this cult down. Canada is done with you. Expect maybe those 16%.

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Exactly. Right on the money with this one Kelly. Couldn't have said it better. Thanks.

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Mark Carney and Christia Freeland are both members on the Board of Trustees to the WEF as well. If they proceed forward in this election there needs to be a recusal from being both elected officials and members on the Board of Trustees to the WEF. They should be free from all foreign influence outside the party and country. Just as with the CPP becoming involved in our elections through donations and influence, among other countries, it should also stipulate holding any affiliation to foreign organizations, or receiving financial assistance from international donors and organizations as well. No elected officials should hold seats on foreign organizations, while being in office or running for a leadership roll of any kind, in any political office associated with the Governance of Canada, a sovereign nation.

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Cogent. Authoritative. But the bull’s eye recommendation might be like asking the Law Society to investigate itself. I like what Sam Cooper wrote on twitter recently. Something radical has to be done to save this country. Will the tall poppies please stand up?

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As for a Trudeau recusal you have to hope that both the announced and potential candidates would be howling for this to happen already as the short time frame and high dollar entry fee have already set up the fix for the Carney level candidates. Easy to understand why the Laurentian elites conversation is already starting. Carney should suffer the same fate as Michael Ignatieff the last coronation candidate.

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Jen Gerson noted in the last Line podcast that political parties are private clubs which can conduct themselves as they like. If you accept this at face value, it begs the question what happens when that 'club' can operate outside of commonly held norms that guide the organs of our democracy?

Seems to me the author is arguing from the perspective of those norms, however, the machinations of the LPC to alter their rules in 2016 in the manner they did suggests 'norms' were dust-binned with the intent to build the party around 'our dear leader'. The bright lights of the LPC thought this was a good idea. Who thought allowing 14 year olds to vote was a good idea, other than those who cynically see the uninformed and easily manipulated idealism of the very young as a good way to juice party momentum.

I would agree Trudeau should recuse himself, but I believe in those pesky normative standards which have evolved broadly throughout the society, over a great deal of time. The LPC created a structure based on motivated reasoning and hubris. In that hot-house environment, why would Trudeau do the right thing and step away according to generally accepted principles of governance and association? He doesn't have to, and I am unsure where the existing board would presume the authority to demand otherwise?

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The WEF is a 'cult' no doubt about it. The UN & WHO all three are in sync with one another. The billionaire 'globalists' involved in these organizations garnered their wealth off our wet backs. They're NGO's DICTATING to the world their 'plans' for us because their ultimate goal is world domination through depopulation. TRUDEAU's caucus is almost entirely WEF members. As is SINGH and there's a few Conservatives as well. The WEF's 'Great Reset' as proclaimed by Schwab, is a rebranding of The New World Order to which both Bush Sr. and Clinton proclaimed, in speeches, that they would 'achieve'. Schwab made Trudeau his 'golden boy' to achieve HIS plan to destroy Canada from the inside both economically and with mass unvetted immigration. SOROS is closely tied to Freeland and HE has been trying to destroy countries, again from the inside, for decades. CARNEY is God father to Freeland's son, to presume that Freeland is 'upset' with Carney's proposed leadership is a JOKE! These people are ALL in this together and have been strategizing EVERY move on their chess board. CARNEY'S the architect of the CBDC FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF ENSLAVEMENT and the WEF want it installed. The second his name was mentioned over 6 months ago that was the first clue he was walking in here. The next clue was when Trudeau started dropping comments on the Digital IDs, which are the necessary component for citizens to HAVE to access their CBDC 'account'. Bottom line, it's ALL ABOUT CONTROL and that's the WEF'S ultimate goal. It's a FOREIGN entity that's invaded the minds of their indoctrinated (brainwashed) members. Think MK ULTRA! The list of evidence of the deviousness of this 'cult' is endless. They're NOT hiding their plans, this has been in the works for over 60 years! FYI Trudeau HASN'T resigned, he's positioned himself as 'supreme DICTATOR' because GATES is in the kitchen cooking up another scam and if it's unleashed, prior to or at Trump's inauguration, the MANDATES will be unleashed. PRAY this is caught beforehand.

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So well said.

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The best outcome for both Trudeau and Poilievre would be Trudeau leading the Liberals into the next election. Both presumably know who are named in the NSICOP report. So one or the other is discreetly whispering in potential candidates' ears "don't run or you will be exposed."

Carney is waiting until that process is completed, when he will decline to run. Trudeau will then have to selflessly step into the breach to save the party (and the country, and Women, and First Nations, and Muslims, and Palestinians, and (paradoxically) Israelis, and working Canadians, but not truckers, and... - the speech will be deeply moving and feature an emotional, husky voice and maybe a few tears coincidentally appearing during a close-up shot).

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3 days ago the Canadian government gave a large contract to the American company where Carney's wife works.

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It's a shame your only concern is, apparently, how this awful creature could tilt the leadership race for your precious party, and for foreign interference in your party. The entire Liberal party is corrupt, owned by China, run for the Laurentian Elite and needs to be swept from the face of this benighted country. The Liberal Party, like the Trudeau clan, is a cancer.

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