Rules stemming from our former high-trust society have sadly become a crucial vulnerability in our increasingly globalized and interconnected world. Hopefully we can achieve a balance between maintaining open democratic processes and protecting our country from (further) subversion by foreign entities (governmental or otherwise) - no easy task. It appears as if some MP's are up to the challenge however, so there's cause for hope.

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"Like" - button doesn't work. :(

How many generations does it take to fully embrace a new culture recently emigrated to? Not the first generation. The second generation would start to embrace the new culture yet still have a direct line to the old culture. The third generation would start to loose the older generation ties and by the 4th, it's almost gone completely. In my experience anyway. But then, maybe I just experienced it differently. ;)

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Is it possible leadership of all parties are relying on a 'don't ask, don't tell' sensibility as applied to party members? Are they mistakenly assuming that the consolidation of decision making in the party, with the leader and their inner circle, would be sufficient to protect policy decisions from the influence of outside agents? Anything can be tolerated as long as it leads to election wins and maybe even governing power suggesting liberal democratic norms are indeed weakening if true.

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I'm one of the many Canadian citizens who purchased a Conservative Party Membership prior to the leadership election so that I could vote for Pierre Poilievre to be leader. This is what was on the membership purchase/payment form at the time and is still there. Yes, I could have been lying, but I wasn't. The CPC charges for a membership and has the following criteria:

"By submitting payment for Membership, I certify that this transaction meets the following Conditions of Membership:

I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada.

I actively support the founding principles of the Conservative Party of Canada.

I am at least 14 years of age.

I do not hold membership in another federal political party.

My membership fees are paid from my own funds and no individual or organization will reimburse me."

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It is some what concerning that Mr. Crase has had the job for two years and hasn't seemed to make an effort to get a deeper grasp of what has being going on. If some one else in the party apparatus is actually paying attention to foreign interference perhaps that is the person that should have been sent to this Commission.

Thank you Sam.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

It would be good to know the names of the ridings of interest to the bad actors from China, Russia, Iran, India and Pakistan.

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This testimony and that of the liberal director are eerily similar to the casino and government officials during BC’s Cullen Commission where “no one knew anything” and even though it was highly suspicious everyone thought bags of cash (replace with busloads of students) coming in was someone else’s problem. The negligence is breathtaking. I think Sam may have already coined the phrase in the title of his book…Wilful Blindness and I think he may have to write a sequel……

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