Why are our agencies so often the recipients and rarely the producers of intelligence on Canadian security matters? You Sam, have produced more useful intelligence on foreign collusion/interference than CSIS and RCMP combined. You should be collecting their salaries and put them out to pasture.

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The structure of our intelligence system under Trudeau is that all intel gets reported to the PMO. The public never gets warned.

The bureaucracy reports to the PMO, not even the ministers. It's not that they don't want to disclose it is most likely that they are not allowed too.

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What an effed up system that puts so much power into one individual's hands. You get a rogue prime minister and this is the crap that results. We need to have a parliamentary vetting system like they have in the US. Critical roles have to be approved through a 60% bipartisan vote.

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No elections until Justin and his Communist Cult are arrested and charged with Treason.

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Sep 17Liked by Sam Cooper

Thanks, Sam!

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As Maria Rezza warned and stated in 2021- the world is becoming authoritarian -when you want to rip the heart out of democracy . Based on this government's lack of transparency about this saturation in our government's policies and no appetite to look at interference , I'd say Ms Rezza is absolutely correct .

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Sep 17Liked by Sam Cooper

Thank you.

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The Trudeau government was, at least, very incompetent in not notifying the MPs, or perhaps the lack of transmission of the relevant information was deliberate?

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It was deliberate. Liberals benefited the most from the interference so why expose it.

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Thanks as always Sam for bringing these things to light.

There is a photo of Trudeau with his arm around a Chinese top ranked businessman at a gala event in B.C. This would be around the time that the money laundering through casinos up and down the W. Coast was exposed. The laundered money would then be used in purchasing real estate and starting legitimate businesses. It turns out that this Chinese businessman was a Beijing approved triad boss. This should surprise no one.

After all Castro was held as a hero in the Trudeau household and Trudeau Sr. made at least two trips to Beijing where he met with Deng Xiaoping, the true mastermind behind modern China. Mao was too busy with his private hareem and indulgences to see him.

It should surprise no one that Jr. has Maoist politics or that he and his government are compromised and subborned by the PRC. It would stagger our imagination if we knew how much of that laundered PRC money is behind the real estate boom in Toronto. The W. Coast infiltration by the PRC and their triad allies didn't stop at the W. Coast. It is quite prevalent here in Ontario.

Just last year at the 2023 Toronto Dragon Fest Mayor Chow gave a speech about Chinese taking their rightful place in the nation. I have great affection for the Chinese people, just not Beijing or its ilk.

If you listened carefully though it could be interpreted as having a double entendre. I bolster this idea with the fact that adjacent to the main doors at City Hall there was a Beijing Cultural Booth. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Is Chairman Chow or should we call her Mayor Dressup a PRC sympathizer? I noticed that the booth was absent from this year's festivities.

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Good info Michael, TY.

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All government agencies and foreign partners are talking, all this intel goes to the PMO to die. Justin is just drinking all that intel so that he can get a nice job on a Chinese corporate board somewhere in Asia I assume?

I mean at this point this is treason in any respectable country. You can't pretend like its not. Like no western country would just sit on intel of endless attacks on opposition MPs unless they are in on it.

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No elections until Justin and his Communist Cult are arrested and charged with Treason.

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