I hope this patriot to Canada and to Canadian’s receives justice. He should have had, and still should have, protection against those who would do him or his family harm. I admire his bravery, his dedication, and his courage to speak truth to power. He, like Sam, has my greatest admiration for coming forward with this important information. We cannot change what we do not know is happening and the exposure of the corruption with in our Government is proving to be of grand proportions.

With in the Members of Parliament, who are to govern themselves and to come forward with wrong doing against their fellow members, has also proven to be a massive failure. They instead cover up and protect those doing wrong and silence anyone who speaks of it. There needs to be a serious look into the entire Government , every member, every public employee, and every single Department and Institution. From CSIS, RCMP, the entire Judicial system from the Supreme Court on down and every judge sitting in a court room today needs to be looked into. Our Canada Health needs going through with a fine tooth comb as well as the studies by their “experts”. The Winnipeg Lab has much to answer for and instead the person in charge was given a bonus and sent somewhere else. He should be charged in a court of law as well as all those involved. There needs to be accountability for wrong doing and not just a fine. They should face criminal charges just like the very people they are to be working for do. No one is above the law, and that means the dirty politicians and bureaucrats as well. We need to weed out this garden of undesirables and let the sunlight in to bring back healthy growth and a flourishing country. For that we need a separate body of people who cannot be corrupted to do this work.

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Mind bending corruption. Once again, exposed by Cooper. Thanks is not good enough for your work. But thank you. I forward as much and to as many as I can.

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" just the tip of the iceberg"

In my wildest dreams I didn't think it was this bad...I'm wrong, it's worse!

We have been sold out!

Thank you Sam!!!

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I listened to this entire interview with bated breath. The harassment and unbelievable pressure tactics imposed on this man by management at CBSA (I would love to know the name of the female supervisor who enabled this to occur and hope against hope that she has been fired/or charged)

Mr. Sabourin you are a hero. I hope that Poilievre when he gets into government can get at least a beginning of sorting this out. What this brave man has undergone if truly heartbreaking. I'm actually at a loss for words which doesn't happen that often. I'm feeling deflated with all the failures of this Trudeau government with the explicit lack of integrity and downright criminality of what is going on.

Thank you to another brave soul...Sam Cooper. Keep on keeping on...you both have supporters in the populace.

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Just outrageous, and yet this could've likely been reasonably expected judging by what we've seen exposed by The Bureau thus far. Mr. Sabourin clearly feels such a level of loyalty and duty to his country that he still feels compelled to speak out even after all the intimidation and terrifying threats he's received; he must recognize that the consequences of staying silent may be worse yet. Surely a medal for courage is in order here.

I believe some governments maintain a philosophy that all people are fundamentally corruptible and they truly seek to exploit this theory to its full capacity to achieve their ends. What happens now? Another inquiry? The sounds of legislative changes at least sound encouraging.

Additionally, I feel that with a genuinely patriotic, scrutinizing and free press, this interview should absolutely make national headlines. Let's see.

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Thank you so much for embedding the audio as a podcast ❤️

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Like so many i am shocked, angry and sickened by these blatant, employed by us, held to accountability persons who are nothing more than traitors to Canada and the people who love this country. We must demand accountability as enough is enough. We must demand independent reviews and monitoring with official clout that should be feared not manipulated. Thank you Sam and all those who have the balls to speak out and do something.

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