Meanwhile, everyone from Eby to the CBC to Henry to Trudeau's minions are still calling this a conspiracy theory, and 4000+ BC health care workers remain fired (different issues, but related; my point being the Tidal Wave of Bullshit force-fed and eagerly swallowed by the majority of Canadians remains uncorrected.)

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You appear to be confusing the origin of the virus - and lab leak has been a leading hypothesis- with how to respond to it once it entered Canada. BC’s response was among the best in the world with a death rate close to Australia which had a massive geographic advantage.

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Bullshit. And if you'd actually read my response you'd see I said "different issues". Again I call bullshit on your claim about death rate. The best in the world were (not including 3rd world countries that do not have mass obesity and the concomitant health complications that render populations vulnerable to adverse outcome from Covid 19) Sweden, Florida and other regions that didn't "lock down" or engage in other performative nonsense.

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Worst kept secret ever! Anyone who, up until now, still thought it was "naturally occurring" is a parts troll or so catastrophically stupid they should have their sharp objects confiscated. Why did it take a Trump victory to have this information released? I guess there really is a new sheriff in town. What's next?

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The World Health Organization was also involved in silencing discussion on the origin of the virus.

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Do you also think that this virus was produced in the Winnepeg lab and was transferred secretly out by the CCP?

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There certainly is a cloud of some kind over the Winnipeg Lab “story” that we’ve been fed, and I don’t believe the cone of silence is just to prevent embarrassment to the Trudeau sneak of weasels.

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Yes, and was there something being made at UBC connected to the vaccine? During Covid? With a connection to our pm?

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I soon as I saw the Dr in wuhan who was basically number 1 looking fine one day then he was dead the next should of tipped off everyone.

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A PLANNED takedown down of the world by way of a manipulated common cold virus to instantly attack the lungs a.k.a. pneumonia. Which, and it's been proven, the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine would clear up quickly. HOWEVER, those involved in this psyop had their bases covered; paying ALL mainstream media to enforce only ONE NARRATIVE and vehemently vilify anyone wo questioned or provided evidence to the contrary; continue to induce TRAUMA by incessant fearmongering. The EASIEST way to gain control of human beings is to induce trauma with a quick sudden event, like Covid. WAR is another example. The Rockefeller Rothchilds banking dynasties are behind it all in collaboration with the WEF UN WHO GLOBALISTS, and as Whitney Webb has uncovered, the 3 letter agencies are all IN as well. To say the world hasn't been overtaken by demonic forces is an understatement.

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Yup! Big time

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AKA as the deep state.

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Stefan Molyneux used to have a great YouTube show that convinced me right at the beginning of the pandemic that Wuhan was likely the cause. He no longer has his show, as far as I am aware (perhaps under another name, I don't know). He was basically cancelled a few years ago by a really sketchy allegation that his wife (a child psychologist in Canada) was doing something wrong. She, like Jordan Peterson, was hauled before whatever board oversees her profession which inhibited her ability to work. I'd like to know more about it all, but there is limited info out there. Someone could right a really interesting book about people who were cancelled over this type of thing...in the future, someone will and the trolls better find a bridge/case to hide in.

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This man is one working with the World Council for Health on our behalf . Many more with his credentials who questioned the whole narrative right from the start and lost his job . Based on the people who have in fact lost their medical jobs due to questioning the science, these are the people I would most trust with my health choices since it seems our system has been captured by others with counter agendas re One World Government and One World Health . https://www.drtrozzi.news/p/courage-in-medicine-part-2-of-dr/comments Like everything keep looking and researching because most people don't and can't critically think in my opinion .

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So, reparations?

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Thank you Sam!

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I trust Canadians no longer read or believe ANYTHING CBC reports, or any other tax paid media, Global, CTV, Bell etc.

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so Alina Chan was right all along. I hope she decides to run for Prime Minister...

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My conspiracy theory has always been the covid virus was cultivated in the Winnipeg lab along with the others. It also was transferred same time as others, given to China (all 3) & they picked covid for maximum results & released it in China. China didn’t care if fingers pointed to them as origin, their goal was accomplished & end result? No charges to China. Good job Sam, as always, thanks for honouring Canadians.

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Why can't Canadians use logic that the 2 Chinese PLA scientists from the Winipeg Lab that created and sent live viruses to the Wuhan Institue of Virology have something to do with it from "THE LAB LEAK".

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The only reason this original spillover from animal to human even became a theory was from Daszak and Fauci were caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Spending our money on a virus that was now killing Americans along with plenty around the world. Then Fauci positions himself as God of the Covid the all knowing SARS king. When as we all know the flu is the flu and there isn’t any cure for it. The problem was it was killing people but at first we didn’t know why and that was co-morbidities and you needed to have one to be high risk. The biggest that I can see was diabetes. If you had late stage cancer you were screwed too. Then the govt decides to pay hospitals 13k for any dead with Covid and they were counted as dead from it and that was nowhere near the case. It then created skewed numbers and Fauci led us down the worm hole. Destroyed our economy and created a log jam with supply chains. Then those in power had pull with how we move forward with Randi Weingarten screwing over our kids educationally and socially to the point it’s going to take a generation to get kids back to normal. I hope people start going to prison and China is held accountable financially with the damage they caused. I’d suggest what we owe you them. We even. That knocks about 15 trillion off the debt we can’t pay for already. It should then create turmoil and possibly collapse there where regime change is the only way forward. I don’t know what would look like but a free Hong Kong is good for the world. I’ve got plenty of other ideas but I’ll cut it here.

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Finally, some dots perhaps leading to the medical cover ups that aren't allowed to be talked about openly. WHO, in our esteemed, " expert" filled Canadian medical agencies of Canada, where you could not question anything about the narrative and still can't openly, knew or knows only too well what was going on? Another government cover up with no answers or appetite to see our overall saturation by unknown and apparently unaccountable entities in my opinion.

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