I used to be a vehement supporter of a ban or forced sale to a domestic entity of TikTok, however in view of the alarming and seemingly coordinated attacks on free speech across the Western world as of late, I'm now much more in favour of having the public be informed about the risks but ultimately leaving it up to individuals to decide if they wish to engage with the app and its content. It's a bit of a tough call, additionally with there being no reciprocal market access for equivalent Western products in the PRC.

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Oh I get it now! When Jenny Kwan consorts with alleged United Front / money laundering people, she is doing it undercover! Impressive.

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I don't have TicTok and feel better not knowing anything, seeing anything speaking anything or does that saying go see no evil, speak no evil,or hear no evil, it's better the later saying of the two, I'm having a good day

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