Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Early in Trudeau's first term, he was quietly planning to open an embassy in Tehran. It was scuttled when Iran shot down commercial jet carrying many Canadian passengers. It does not surprise me that Iranian agents are active in Canada to help Trudeau's Liberal Party. Regarding the recent election in France, what is the risk of the French Caliphate getting control of nuclear subs and over 400 nuclear weapons? Will they provide them to Iran?

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Great , informative podcast by my Dear friend

Respected journalist Negar

and investigative Journalist Sam Cooper

His book ( willful Blindness)

Must be read

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Based of my experience Sam of the people's awareness in Canada of anything going on , I'd say "coma like" and especially over these past few years since the covid debacle . There doesn't seem to be any appetite or curiosity to explore anything with any depth other than the MSM news reporting . Like you ,Negar is a very brave soul with her digging around this regime . At this point, I kind of wonder who isn't infiltrating Canada ? It took the convoy to wake me up politically and look a bit under the curtain of illusion.

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Trudeau and the Liberal Party are profiting directly from Chinese Online Casino's!!!

That Trudeau was personally promoting on the internet, after Trudeau had helped the Chinese drug lords from Vancouver, that were arrested by the RCMP after a 2 year 24/7 undercover investigation into the drug lords laundering their drug money through BC Casino's!!!

In return for BC Casino winners cheques, cleaning BILLIONS of dollars, over this 2 year investigation, that Trudeau himself order the RCMP to stop!!!

Later with all the RCMP evidence collected, arrested and brought the drug lords to trial for this crime, Trudeau once again stepped into the courtroom and ordered the courts to stop the trial and set these drug lords FREE of all charges!!!

Shortly after that Trudeau partnered up with these drug lords to start this Online Casino, to help launder their drug money, with their own Casino and no one is investigating that??? WHY???

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Holy shit I'll bet you a dollar to a donut Not one regular CANADIAN KNOWS a dam thing about this going on in our Country. Maybe a little but how huge it is. Crickets. Money LAUNDERING has been juggled around . Casinos but not associated with China this needs to be screamed from the roof tops . And TRUDEAUS NAME NEEDS TO BE SCREAMED EVEN LOUDER. HOW WITH ALL THIS INFORMATION WE CANADIANS STILL DONT KNOW 1/2 OF THIS INFORMATION OF TRUDEAUS INVOLVEMENT OF CORRUPTION OF WHAT IS GOING ON. FORIEN INTERFEARANCE IS A TINY DROP IN OUR BUCKET. WHY WAS JOLLY SUMMONED TO CHINA??? NOW???

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An interview with Melissa Lantzman? Oh l'm sure she gave an unbiased analysis of the ME situation on behalf of the Conservative party. LOL

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Didn't Israel bomb the Iranian Embassy in Damascus April 1st (16 killed)? THEN Iran responded a week later with a very underwheming drone attacks on Tel Aviv (zero casualties). Then Israel countered with a hit on an lranian radar station.

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