5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Thank you Sam! Hogue Commission = Special Rapporteur Johnstone = same outcome

Justin Trudeau is COMPROMISED! Just another cesspool being stirred. TRUDEAU and company need to fess up face the music, and no singing bohemian rhapsody.

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That will not happen as they are held in power by the NDP and Block. Trudeau has not finished his destruction of Canada yet and it appears both the parties above are putting in who and what they want destroyed as well. Its a sad day in the history of Canada, in this so called "democracy" and for every Institution that has aided them in thispurposeful destruction. Canada is a ffailed country with a compormised government, a majority of compromised political parties, along with our sad and compromised Insttitutions and big Corporate players. They are all working against the citisens and the interests of Canada.

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Wow. At the time when O'Toole was the leader of the opposition Conservative party, I wondered if he would face pressure that some under-the-radar people and groups, expecting to continue to being able to manipulate politicians would come out from under their hidings. As a believer in freedom of expression and a very worried citizen as to the effects that an ineffective leader like Trudeau and the current Liberal government would have on my country I hoped he would be able to withstand the pressure. When it was announced that he was stepping down I got my answer. Very sad to see the country crumble the way it has. And now, our preening effete PM is at at the UN hoping to get some sort of position there to allow him to keep face with the inevitable fall from grace he is currently going through here. He is wanting some sort of soft landing that an offer of a position there would give him...kind of like Bob Rae, who did such harm to Ontario and Canada's current representative to the UN managed to get. I wish O'Toole the best as he is proving to be a stalwart Canadian with a clear understanding of this country and its values. He needs our support.

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Is the over all aim with respect to this article and others , an intention of a one world government with no dissenting voices - what happened to those voices in Hong Kong - and a biosecurity state since we apparently are saturated with something called germs ? Are we losing our sovereignty to Davos and the WEF's agenda for the good of us all ?

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We haven't quite lost our sovereignty yet Linelle...close though. Remember that shining a light on the goings on in government can only be a good thing. Keep up the good work Sam Cooper and Terry Glavin and other investigative reporters. Jonathan Kay, and Conrad Black are a couple of others I truly believe in. Can Canada as a country survive this? I'm not sure but I admit that if I could I would bail and head somewhere else. That's how serious I believe this is.

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We are old trees with deep roots here CF ,and it's the turf where I am prepared to defend against all costs. Kids no longer want to be here in Canada and I get just how much a communist regime isn't attractive to those who have a different ideas about how great and efficient a regime like this is for (everyone's) benefit as we'll be told in the most positive , non detailed propaganda . However , it seems like a world take over of ideology with Canada being the example of how it'll look with many not even caring enough to read anything other than MSM.

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One would think by now, with all that has surfaced, that if any law enforcement was even operating at a minimal level, that there would be some intervention and seizure of evidence. When governments and institutions place themselves above the law, they clearly are criminals no matter how much they have “tinkered” with the law beforehand. Endless Commissions do provide data but this long harvesting results in so much damage to a country that the “way back” is not something many good Canadians will consider reasonable and they will leave. Truly tragic.

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Thank you.

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