It is amazing to me how Trudeau will go to an extreme acting against India (he's obviously trying to protect his Sikh voter base) but literally protect Chinese agents or the middle eastern based foreign agents that have been organizing the mass protests and anti-Semitic violence in Canada.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the decision was bad, I just think there are much more pressing threats that the liberals have ignored, protected even.

East Asian voters, especially from Hong Kong tend to vote Conservative and they're usually the ones targeted by Chinese agents. There are obviously Hamas and Hezbollah supporters in Cabinet that have hijacked the government agenda too and Trudeau refuses to do anything against anti semitism.

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Amen to that

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Isn't this the same Katie Telford who was principal secretary to Kathleen Wynne, the scandal plagued former Liberal Premier of Ontario? If I recall correctly Katie was an integral part, along with Gerry Butts, of almost countless scandals, including Katie's husband being contracted to delete archived internal email histories of that provincial government. This greatly diminished any chance of taxpayers learning of any malfeasance by the government. The Kathleen Wynne government was subsequently wiped out in the next election, and many defeated Liberal MPP's went on to be elected federally. Katie Telford and Gerry Butts then attracted negative attention with obscene moving to Ottawa billing charges to the Federal government when they joined Trudeau's inner circle at the very beginning of his government in 2015.

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YES! Same Katie Telford who charged taxpayers over $80k to move from Toronto to Ottawa! Same Katie Telford whose husband works in a 'public affairs agency' that apparently received $84 million to manage a 'rent assistance aid program'. Same Katie Telford whom JT believes is "scary smart". What's that tell you about the psychology behind this gal and her grifter partner!

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Thank you! I thought I was the only one that remembered. Katie Telford and Gerry Butts both charged the real estate commissions to sell their respective Toronto homes to the government as well as any and all moving expenses incurred. They subsequently both revised their reimbursement claims but still were very generous compensation awards. One can probably say they made out like bandits.

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'Bandits' is putting it mildly. I have to pinch myself to refrain from unleashing a diatribe of expletives that would make a drunken sailor blush. (no offense to sailors).

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Good to know, glad some common sense people keep track, good job

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Why yes it is. It's the same Ben Chin, Gerald Butts and Ziva Astravius (?) as well.

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And don't forget that minx Laura Miller, also a member of the McGuinty/Wynne crime cabal, whose boyfriend wiped the hard drives of the assholes involved in the Ontario Hydro wind farm scandals, who then fled to B.C. to become Director of the B.C. Liberal party under Christy Clark "Crook" Clark. This is all the same organized crime syndicate that have wreaked havoc coast to coast for at least two decades and counting.

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Are these people (Clow and Telford) really this naive and obtuse. Comparing a briefing binder, compiled in Canada by a friendly neighbour, on prominent US politicians prior to their elections with clandestine Chinese agents in Canada working behind the scenes to destabilise us. Seriously?!!

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What's glaringly apparent is destabilizing attempts by liberal government politicians and their "persons" behind scenes to ignore credible threats to ALL Canadians. They do it once, they can do it again to hide the threats. This is dangerous for our country.

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Obtuse YES, naive, not one bit! Telford like Freeland, Gould and it appears MANY other women in Trudeau's cabinet, including Senators and the Governor General are scary women. Scary in the manner of being master manipulators and outright lying grifters and we're all supposed to ACCEPT this behaviour. NO I don't condone lying, ever! Especially when it's GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES who are sworn to SERVE THE PUBLIC and they're doing everything BUT! Instead of having a sense of PRIDE for serving the citizens of Canada in their 'sworn' government positions what we're being subjected to or rather witnessing is a group of meglomaniacs hell bent on annihilating the country not only at OUR EXPENSE but at risk to our safety. Clearly NONE of these people have a conscience for if they did Canada wouldn't be in this mess. I don't know how they sleep at night knowing full well how the extent of their corruption has damaged this country. NO LOYALTY, NONE!

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No. It's intentional

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The one thing that Telford & Clow are NOT, is naive or obtuse.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Of course the Liberals have a different take on what determines Interference by the CCP than CSIS. They are complicit in the interference, as it benefits them and they would like to join with China as would BC, Quebec, and the Laurentian elites. They deem China their fellow Communist ally, just as they do terrorist organizations, and those countries that are behind them. Its why our allies no longer have trust in Canada as we are deemed allies with those in the BRICS union. Canada is a cesspool of corruption as this is in our public service and through out every single public Institution, from our Universities, Border Services, to the Banks. They see nothing wrong with this, as they are all filling their pockets with foriegn and taxpayers dollars while the subvert our democracy and remove our rights and freedoms. They are all about power and greed as being able to "get things done" with little push back, is what Trudeau admires about Communism and the CCP. Like his father before him, his fellow Quebecer's, the Laurentian elites, the Progressive Liberal, NDP, and Green Party, they are communist through and through. They want Canada to be the splitting image of China in every way.

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Complete agreement with you.

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Sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock plot, there's never an end to corruption as there's never an end to a story in his case

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So much incompetence in the PMO. So much incompetence at GAC. Heads need to roll before the next election.

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Let them stay till the end and see them wiped out, no, second thought we'll be broke by then and Canada will have no credibility left any where ,so it's time for Canadians and conservatives to end a bad nightmare and let the NDP, BLOCK, GREENS see what deceitfulness can bring, wake up you 3, your losing support, not fast enough to my liking but will come

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Trudeau is a bought and paid for communist. Canada needs to get rid of him asap! I’m positive if you look hard at the donations to his foundation I’m sure you’re going to find his many ties to all these countries.

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To understand Telford & Clow, one is left thinking that they’ve so entirely protected & infantilized Trudeau as to have a created a child-Prime Minister - a convenient meat puppet.

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The Liberals are ragging the puck because they need time to destroy damning information.

If there are a few truly loyal Cdns in the lower ranks - please print, photocopy & take screen shots wherever possible.

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