The SNC-Lavalin affair, and many instances since, have demonstrated that Mr Trudeau is comfortable telling lies with arrogance and confidence.

His testimony here is likely a continuation of this pattern.

It’s an egregious situation they are portraying that beggars belief: either an astonishing level of incompetence in his staff and team, or they are telling lies to cover up. Neither is a good look.

As always with this PM, nothing is his fault.

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We need a carbon tax election

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Wilful Blindness.

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Apparently Trudeau believes you can run and hide. RCMP and CSIS have shown over and over, they will bend to whatever this PM wants. The agencies created to protect the citizens have instead decided to protect politicians. Throw these treacherous bastards out and start over.

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Thanks Sam.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

More of the same. Trudeau thinks it is sufficient to simply reframe the significance of the issues in his own terms and according to his own incentives. It's us, the benighted citizens of this country who question his judgement, that are wrong. Apparently, the dullards also include CSIS.

All foreign actors have a perspective of who is helpful and who is not in a foreign nation. I'm sure CSIS can make those distinctions when assessing the actions of foreign agents. That word 'diplomacy' doesn't mean what Trudeau thinks it means.

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Is Katie Telford a intelligence expert, like to see her credentials, she's a make belief of being both Chief of Staff and intelligence, which one is she good at, we should let our intelligence experts do what there good at I'll leave it at that

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Testimony under oath? Of course not and with his record... ? Would you believe anything which came out of his mouth?

Thank you for your diligence, Sam, because if it wasn't for you none of this would be brought to light. That's not to say anything will be done about all this unfortunately.

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How convenient. Trudeau should have been out of there years ago.

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Either Trudeau or Jody Thomas lied about the blocked reports. Perjury is still a crime in this country right?

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"I, _________, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear (declare) that I will truly and faithfully, and to the best of my skill and knowledge, execute the powers and trusts reposed in me ..."

Each cabinet minister, including Trudeau, swore this oath. They also swore an oath of allegiance. Each senior public servant is bound by a similar oath.

I would donate money to a citizen led class action on breach of these oaths by this government and the MPs who have propped them up to see if we can bring some accountability back to government. If shame, morality, ethics and sense of duty don't cut it anymore, perhaps there is another way to hold these pukes responsible.

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Take your pick:

1. Trudeau is controlled / completely infantilized by the PMO &/or his inordinately powerful, but stupid, security advisor.

2. The PMO & the security advisor are kept in check by CPP operatives/Liberal party funders.

3. All of them are wide-eyed babes, doing their best to innocently follow diplomatic norms in Canada’s trade interests - with no suspicion whatsoever. Ever.

The PMO & Jody Thomas never once, in ALL these years, in ALL the reports, stop to consider that CSIS just MIGHT have a point worthy of their attention or the PM.


If my employees were this patently obtuse, the company would be have crippling debt & I’d be flat broke … oh wait …


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Follow up though on all this:

In another era Ministers and their key senior staff would have resigned for such behaviour (or mistakes if we are being charitable) coming to light in their portfolios.

There really is no accountability even for the most egregious behaviour anymore.

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Again, the only way this wasn’t shared with him was at his explicit request that he not receive anything that involves China. I’m afraid that he is without a doubt compromised by the Chinese government.

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I hate to disagree with most of the commenters here but I don’t believe that Telford, Thomas, Clow et al are naive or stupid. Their number one priority is to close ranks around the boss whenever it’s required. A palace guard if you will. As China was essentially doing a job for the Liberal Party of Canada the last thing they would want would be to have Trudeau shoulder any culpability should such a dicey matter ever come to the public’s attention. So here we are. Blame communication. Blame differences of opinion. Blame global warming. Blame anything except the guy leading the choir. Trudeau.

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