Sep 16·edited Sep 16

"Could harm Canada's interests' BS. It will harm guilty politicians' interests and Hogue just exposed her loyalty is to the disloyal. Where are the champions loyal to Canadians?

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We have treasonous members with in our Parliment and Senate. The very fact we have an up coming election with those accused remaining unnamed puts a complete distrust into, not just the electorial procedure, but our entire Parliament and its members. Not just MP's, but Senators as well who are openly colluding with foreign powers to undermine Canada, Canadian's, and our democracy. This is absolutely unacceptable. We need names!

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Worst government Canada has ever had to endure, not surprised at all....

Thank you, Sam!

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I tend to agree with the Justice's decision and reasoning. HOWEVER, I think Elections Canada should bar all of the witting and semi-witting participants from running for re-election. As for the Chinese operatives in the Senate, they should be unceremoniously evicted.

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that will not work. by barring them WE will know who they are anyway. By ejecting them We will still know. Its a dirty job. Hands will get dirtied!

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I understood the purpose of this inquiry was to get to the bottom of foreign interference in our federal elections. How is that possible without transparency? If names were released, those named would have the opportunity to clear their names. Otherwise, in the next election, people could end up voting for those who have betrayed Canada, wittingly or semi-wittingly.

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Since when are publicly elected/hired/appointed people in our government and alleged to have wittingly or not engaged in actions that could harm Canada protected by Canadian law. Or is it just policy or regulations. If just policy that can quickly be overcome. If in regulations, those can be quite easily changed.

When Poilievre gets elected, I recommend that both Fadden and Vigneault be appointed Senators...that might scare the alleged miscreates to mend their ways. We need to keep these brave government officials with their wealth of knowledge close to government.

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Vigneault is a Trudeau puppet and we already have enough of those in our Senate already. He was a advisor to the Privy Council on security and promoted to the headof CSIS by Trudeau. This is the first time that a person with in CSIS was not promoted to the job due to Trudeau ensuring he had a inside man that pushed his DEI and all the woke ideology of the Liberal Progressive Goveenrment. He is the last person one would appoint to anything let alone a well paid puppet job for Trudeau.

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Did not know that....From the times I have seem him and read what is written about him I didn't think he was a puppet. Clearly you know a lot more about Vigneault. Since I doubt my comment would have affected any government decision, I will lift my support. Thanks

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Paragraph # 2, good idea.

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Why won't they investigate further the reasons these MPs are suspected, and if warranted, lay charges and reveal their names? If not warranted don't charge them and don't reveal their names. Isn't that how it works with other crimes?

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Why is it the important tools for enforcing these laws, including a foreign-agents registry and a transparency commissioner to oversee it, have yet to be created.

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Great piece, Sam Cooper. How are we to go into this upcoming federal election not knowing who is acting for foreign regimes? It's just absurd.

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Denying Canadians the knowledge of WHO the Traitors are does little for Canadians. In fact, this lack of information promotes distrust and non confidence in our judicial system.

If the traitors successfully keep their names from Canadians then I say our best and only assurance is to NOT place your vote to ANY LIBERAL. While there may very well be a token MP from opposing parties, I would wager that all, if not 10/11 are Liberal traitors. Odds and evidence sway that way.

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Money laundering through real estate is no longer hidden. Straw buyers arrive with an F 150 full of drug fueled profits washed through local casinos.

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AND TD bank

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This is no surprise. Assume guilt. No Liberal should be elected. Thank you Sam Cooper. Through your ongoing investigations, I believe I do know some or all of who these MPs are. Regardless, all are complicit in my opinion. All. No get out of jail card for any on them.

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It seems this government is more concerned about smearing the name of the corrupt politicians in public than safety of the nation. Shame!

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Commissioner Hogue met secretly with 22 immigrant communities who were likely to be affected by foreign interference and transnational repression (we all need to understand the meaning of transnational repression!) She did not name the people interviewed (in their own language) to protect them. Understandable. BUT, what she could do is ask for the resignations of the colluding MPs and Senators instead of releasing their names.

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Sorry Nick VanWalraven - great minds think alike! ;)

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The new Trudeau narrative, "Something to see hear folks - but we can't tell you what it is because we need to protect the instigators..."

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Big coverup. So irritating.

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