They may not have enough to prosecute but a good start would be deporting all members of the Chinese Government involved. They won’t of course because Trudeau is under their thumb

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Yup. Makes me wonder why Trudeau is so very certain he can win another election. Who’s your help in this endeavor, Justin?

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This system is designed to fail with no relief in sight. The Vancouver debacle has been ongoing for decades. Sam never stop. I don’t know how you keep it up but grateful you do. Thank you.

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We need witnesses that are willing to testify,” Boucher said, emphasizing the barriers created by fear within the Chinese diaspora.

Why would anyone in their right mind ever do that?

An investigation that started in 2019, still ongoing

One in 2022 just finished

Everyone knows, at every level, except the victims, no one does anything, this commission is a joke and nothing will come out of it. The only effect will be to destroy confidence in the government and the election process.

I guess this is all political games for Trudeau. Who cares that the country tears itself apart. That MPs are directly attacked, that millions are manipulated by disinformation. If he can get a couple more seats out of it, it's all worth it.

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My observations:

How the political elites protect and retain / maintain their power structure:

- weak legislation, the absolute, foundational cornerstone of Cdn political corruption

- thwart all attempts to register foreign actors, and by extension …

- protect their access to easy, copious funding

- engage msm (& local cultural) media to create an echo chamber that cries racism (insert your chosen prefix …phobia) at every single opportunity

- swat away, belittle / humiliate & denigrate the less powerful voices who raise concerns by, guess who … hello, main stream media.

MSM are the useful idiots who jump at any chance to amplify whatever perceived / invented injustice that gets those clicks. …🧐Think back, taking a knee with a sweet teddy bear, anyone? A bowed head, the wounded tearful words - hoovered up & amplified by, guess who?

Yes, there are other sources of information, but the views that sink deeper, appear more valid, reasoned, is eagerly accepted by high-info readers (as opposed to the ‘others,’ the low-information public.) 🧸 🧸🧸

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We aren’t exposing the compromised government employees because Trudeau is the ringleader. He allowed the sale of Norsat to the Chinese and is now trying to prop up an inferior company who has already received 1 billion and produced nothing.

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The OCCE finally figures out what Sam Cooper and Bob Mackin did many years ago.

I’m no fan of Pierre P, but if it takes booting the LPC out of power to get serious on combating the UFWD in Canada, Conservatives are the way to go.

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There needs to be accountability and severe consequences for anyone who interferes, meddles, or funds, any activity that constitutes a breach of trust against this country and all Canadian's. Yet instead of solving the problem by putting in laws to stop this treasonous and deviant behaviour our members in Parliament are benefactors of these actions and willingly participate in these acts. Our entire Parliamentary system is a sham, where no consequences are dealt to the very members who have demeaned and destroyed the trust in our democracy, elections, and all of our now, infiltrated and sick Institutions. This belongs to every member that was elected to public office as they too have done little to stop those within from wrong doing, nor do they push for severe consequences for illegal activites, theft, or treason, as they themselves may be perpetrators of these severe crimes. This must change if there is to be any trust in our known disfunctional Governments and Institutions, from the top to the bottom. From The PM to the Mayors of cities, they have been interfered with and corrupted beyond repair, with no consequences for those who interfere or coherse members or populations, nor for those members who willing participate in these unlawful and undemocratic acts. In fact they are protected instead of facing the consequences of their actions. This is why the entire system has been corrupted and is no longer trustworthy. Instead they pass more laws to constrict the citisens and ensure severe consequences are in place for them should they ever act like the Parlimentarians, Elected officials, or those in our now diviant and sick Institutions. Are you waking up yet Canada?

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