Very little coverage about this issue which is so important! It’s a window into the Trudeau world, how he is managed and massaged by the sycophantic sphere around him.

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I read that former PM Harper is quoted recently as saying that he was unfortunately completely correct in 2015 stating that the Trudeau government would spend our country into oblivion. Harper, even his opponents would have to agree, was a true Canadian who could be trusted to navigate this complex world. But then Harper placed his Ministers and top level bureaucrats with care and they did the job they were supposed to do. Then Trudeau jr comes in to destroy all that. Mary Ng, Blair, Fraser, Hajdu, Miller, Hassan, Mendocino and all the rest were/are just not up to the job. Incompetence and apparently borderline corrupt is what we got a the last 3 elections. Most of his top aides were from the failed government of Wynne in Ontario provincial politics.

I have also recently read that there are indications that China and perhaps other foreign governments are now targeting FN governments as they have gained power and money through this government. Casinos are often run by FN bands....is that why? Sam, have you heard anything about this. I also wonder how infiltrated the NDP is? We are facing a BC election which is neck and neck between Eby with the NDP and Rustad with the Conservatives. Eby was very big in the NGO's and funding bodies for decades in the DTES Vancouver. Huge problems there that have only got worse despite all the millions being poured onto those streets of poverty, insanity and decline. Are the Conservatives the only party that has not been pushed along by foreign interference?

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Based upon ALL the information you've provided Sam, it's clearly evident to me that ALL of the players involved have proven their disloyalty to Canada. They've ALL taken an OATH to BE OF SERVICE to the 'Crown' as we're obliged by the Monarchy. However, as we all recall Trudeau's infamous speech of his 'love's perhaps of a CHINESE DICTATORSHIP! Queue RED FLAGS! So, technically, everyone involved has committed TREASON. Anyone who's lived in BC's lower mainland knows how the city of Richmond was quietly overtaken decades ago. Therefore, it's comes as no surprise how the CCP have heavily influenced BC and furthered their political motives spreading a wide swath into infiltrating our TOP policing services. As you recall, I previously commented on Michael Kovrig stating China looks for weaknesses in others and PREYS on them; Bill Blair is a classic example of that and citizens of this country needed to voice their concerns about him LONG before his policing appointments. As far as the 'women' go, having worked alongside many a 'Karina Gould' type, I will state that giving some women power is a HUGE MISTAKE because they're more driven by ego and can be extremely abusive so that men will cater to them for fear of the 'harassment' and 'discrimination' cards being played. I found the behaviour disgraceful and offensive because bullying isn't LEADERSHIP and yet it's become normalized. Keep up the great work, I'm behind you 100%

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My conclusion on the end game will be the lawyers have the proof and evidence they need and just walking through the process with the guilty to see if they give in for the truth, no kings and queens just bishops ,pawns and the rest to see if the knight does a kerplunk on credibility going forward, hope I'm right as lawyers know the game well, good going Sam your the best

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Thanks Sam. Great stuff. Here is another person to keep an eye on in regard to JT and our government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy9tFZHRVO8

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